Child smiling after her first children's dentistry appointment

Actual Patients

Wrong Tooth Shape or Size

The dental condition known as "wrong tooth shape or size" refers to teeth that deviate from the standard size and shape typically seen in a healthy dentition. This can manifest in various ways, such as teeth that are too small, too large, misshapen, or irregularly positioned.

Child smiling after her first children's dentistry appointment
Child smiling after her first children's dentistry appointment

Actual Patients

Treatment For Wrong Tooth Shape or Size

There are several treatment options available to rectify the wrong tooth shape or size. One common approach is orthodontic treatment using braces or aligners to gradually shift the position of the teeth into proper alignment. In cases where the tooth's dimensions need adjustment, dental veneers may be recommended. These thin porcelain shells cover the front surface of a tooth, altering its shape and size with minimal invasiveness. Another option is dental crowns, which fully encase damaged teeth while simultaneously improving their appearance and functionality by adjusting their shape and proportionality through custom-made restorations. Finally, for individuals seeking a more permanent solution for multiple missing or poorly shaped teeth, dental implants offer an excellent choice by replacing both root and crown structures with natural-looking prosthetics that blend seamlessly with existing dentition while restoring proper tooth form and function.

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Littleton, CO

10354 W Chatfield Ave #100, Littleton, CO 80127


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  • MON - THU8:30 am - 5:00 pm
  • FRI - SUNClosed
(303) 973-1112